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  • Trevor Lattin

Case Study: HR Business Transformation at Leading Private Research University

Our team conducted an HR assessment, provided the client recommendations for optimization, and implemented the approved recommendations.

  • Outlined critical issues of HR structure processes people and perceptions of HR within auxiliary services and other university departments.

  • Performed gap analysis of current HR organization versus desired future state including examination of organizational charts, job descriptions, processes, staffing levels, functional roles and compensation levels.

  • Conducted 30+ interviews with department heads and subordinates and documented feedback regarding the HR functions, processes and strategies that do and do not work well with the needs for a more effective department.

  • Interviewed entire HR staff to assess functions, skills, interactions, perceived reputation, and gaps in meeting client expectations

Summarized information derived from current state assessment organized by category for presentation to senior management. Upon agreement of the issues, we developed recommendations for changes in the following areas:

  • HR leadership and reporting structure

  • HR department restructuring and resource realignment

  • Recruitment process to improve candidate quality and timeliness of hire

  • Application of additional organization development, functional resources to enhance opportunities for employee development, promotion, and career development

  • Introduction of performance metrics for HR staff or HR accountability

  • HR strategic plan alignment with university Strategic Plan

  • Select compensation changes in HR to attract and retain qualified personnel

  • Improved communication between the HR recruiters and hiring managers and establishment of recruiting timelines

We provided strategic HR leadership and project expertise for the HR transformation initiative and were retained as interim HR Director and to train the new organizations HR Director.

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